This tutorial will walk users through deploying a classification model in Azure Machine Learning. The classification model uses the Titanic dataset to predict whether a passenger will live or die, …
How to predict real estate sales price using Azure Machine Learning
Learn how companies like Zillow would predict the value of your home. In this Azure Machine Learning tutorial you will learn how to build a model to predict the real estate sales …
How to build a predictive Model with Azure Machine Learning
This tutorial will walk users through building a classification model in Azure Machine Learning by using the same process as a traditional data mining framework. We will use the public …
Send and Receive Bot Events Through a Backchannel
Introduction The backchannel mechanism allows a client app and the bot to exchange information that is invisible to the user. Examples of this could be from requesting the client’s time …
Hand off the Bot Conversation to a Human
Introduction Regardless of how much artificial intelligence a bot possesses, there may still be times when it needs to hand off the conversation to a human being. For example you …
Determine the Sentiments behind interaction between Users and our Bot with Azure Cognitive Services
Introduction The interaction between users and bots is mostly free-form, so bots need to understand language naturally and contextually. In this exercise you will learn how to detect the user’s …
Deploying Your Bot to the Cloud
Introduction In this walkthrough you will learn how to register your bot and deploy it to Azure so others can use it. Prerequisites The following software is required for completing …
Implementing a Knowledge Base with Azure Search and Cosmos DB
Introduction Your bots can also help the user navigate large amounts of content and create a data-driven exploration experience for users. In this exercise you will learn how to add …
Making a Bot Smarter with LUIS : Language Understanding Intelligent Service
Introduction One of the key problems in human-computer interactions is the ability of the computer to understand what a person wants. LUIS is designed to enable developers to build smart …
Add conversation abilities to a bot with Bot Framework
Introduction In this walkthrough you will learn how to add conversation abilities to the bot to guide the user to create a help desk ticket. Prerequisites The following software is …