To create an ad unit for a banner ad, interstitial ad, or native ad in your app:
- Go to the Monetize > In-app ads page in Partner Center and click Create ad unit.
- In the App name drop-down, select the app in which your ad unit will be used.
- In the Ad unit name field, enter a name for the ad unit. This can be any descriptive string that you want to use to identify the ad unit for reporting purposes.
- In the Ad unit type drop-down, select the ad type.
- If you are showing a banner ad in your app, select Banner.
- If you are showing an interstitial video ad or interstitial banner ad in your app, select Video interstitial or Banner interstitial (be sure to select the appropriate option for the type of interstitial ad you want to show).
- If you are showing a native ad in your app, select Native.
- In the Device family drop-down, select the device family targeted by the app in which your ad unit will be used. The available options are: UWP (Windows 10), PC/Tablet (Windows 8.1), or Mobile (Windows Phone 8.x).
- Configure the following additional settings as desired:
- If you select the UWP (Windows 10) device family for the ad unit, you can optionally configure mediation settings for the ad unit.
- If you select the PC/Tablet (Windows 8.1) or Mobile (Windows Phone 8.x) device family for a banner ad unit, you can optionally select Show community ads in your app to opt in to community ads.
- If you haven’t yet set the COPPA compliance for the selected app, choose an option in the COPPA compliance section.
- Click Create ad unit.
After you create the new ad unit, it appears in the table of available ad units in the Monetize > In-app adspage.
Review and edit ad units
After you create ad units for one or more apps in your account, these ad units appear in a table at the bottom of the Monetize > In-app ads page. This table displays the Application ID and Ad unit ID for each ad unit, along with other information. To show ads in your app, you’ll need to use these values in your code. For more information, see Set up ad units in your app.
- If your app shows banner ads, assign these values to the ApplicationId and AdUnitId properties of your AdControl object.
- If your app shows interstitial ads, pass these values to the RequestAd method of your InterstitialAdobject.
- If your app shows native ads, pass these values to the NativeAdsManagerV2 constructor. ImportantYou can use each ad unit in only one app. If you use an ad unit in more than one app, ads will not be served for that ad unit. NoteYou can use multiple banner, interstitial, and native ad controls in a single app. In this scenario, we recommend that you assign a different ad unit to each control. Using different ad units for each control enables you to separately configure the mediation settings and get discrete reporting data for each control. This also enables our services to better optimize the ads we serve to your app.
To edit the mediation settings for a UWP ad unit or the COPPA compliance for the app in which the ad unit is used, click the ad unit name.
If an ad unit has no activity for the past six months, we will label it as Inactive, and eventually remove it from Partner Center. You can use filters to show only Active or Inactive ad units. If you see any ad units that you believe are inaccurately marked as Inactive, contact support.